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CBD Oil and E-liquid: A Hot Topic in the Canna Industry!

CBD oil is an oil that contains cannabinoids, which is one of the products derived from the hemp, a variety of cannabis sativa which is grown for its extracted products. Initially, Cannabis was popularly known to contain just delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol(THC). THC is the most active ingredient and is known for its high effect. When THC is subjected to heat, then consumed to the human body, by smoking it or cooking then eating it, it alters brain functioning causing excitement, paranoia, mood change and other symptoms of highness. CBD oil, however, doesn’t have any mind-altering effects but instead, it has a lot of health benefits and is used to cure a lot of ailments.

CBD Explained

used for eliquidsCBD works by attaching itself to the receptors in the body. The body, in turn, produces its cannabinoids. The body has two receptors for cannabinoids; CB1 and CB2 receptors. The CB1 receptors deal with movement and coordination, moods, emotions, pain, thinking, appetite and memories. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, affects the body’s general immune system: pain and inflammation. CBD doesn’t act on either CB1 or CB2 as earlier thought, but they instead influence the body to produce and use its cannabinoids.

CBD has some known benefits:

1. Relief of inflammation and as a natural painkiller: Cbd oil is considered by people to offer a more natural Relief to pain, unlike most OTC drugs. Researches done have concluded that CBD could be the best new relief for chronic pain and stiffness.

2. Treatment of epilepsy and other mental disorders: CBD oil is suspected to be able to cure epilepsy and other neurological dysfunctions, and this is still being researched on. CBD has a low risk of side effect on people with epilepsy. It also has an anti-seizure property which makes it useful in the cure of epilepsy. A study done on CBD oil’s effect on neurological disorders have suggested that it may cure disorders linked to epilepsy such as neurodegeneration, psychiatric disorders, and neuronal injury. CBD oil may also be effective in the cure of schizophrenia.

3. Fighting Cancer: research shows that CBD may be an anti-cancer agent which works by blocking cancer cells from spreading and taking over the whole body. This compound suppresses the growth of this cancer cells and instead promotes their death. CBD oil has low toxic levels.

4. Withdrawal from drugs and smoking: CBD helps people to quit smoking as shown by research done and posted to addictive Smokers. Smokers who use inhalers containing CBD did not have nicotine cravings and in return smoked fewer cigarettes. CBD oil could also be used to help in withdrawal from abuse of opioids.

5. Relief of anxiety disorders: CBD oil reduces anxiety in disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorders, general anxiety disorders, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Unlike other medications that cure these disorders, CBD oil doesn’t show adverse side effects.

6. Treatment of type-1 diabetes. Type-1 diabetes comes about when the immune system attacks cells in the pancreas. CBD oil eases this inflammation in the pancreas.

7. Treatment of acne: CBD lowers production of sebum, which is the cause of acne when it causes inflammation of the skin.

8. Prevent Alzheimer’s disease: CBD can prevent social recognition deficits from developing in the users. In this sense, CBD could help people in their early stages of Alzheimer’s disease from failing to recognize the faces of the people they know.

Side effects

There are no significant side effects in the use of CBD oil. The most common is tiredness and some reported cases of diarrhoea and changes in appetite and weight.

There are long-term safety data available, but no research, however, has been done on effects of CBD on children. A patient should discuss the use of CBD oil with their medical practitioner before using it. Find more on this Facebook Post!

About Me Cecil Newman

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